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Superb Collection Of WW1 Posters For Winter Auction

Onslows have now been holding auctions of Vintage posters for forty years, and our feature collection consigned for our November 29 auction is a rare group of British and Irish recruiting posters form the First World War, we will also be selling a near complete set of the Parliamentary Recruiting posters. The featured poster “Irishmen Avenge the Lusitania” has never appeared in our past auctions and is expected to sell for a four-figure sum.

The backbone of the market for collectors has always been associated with the Golden Age of Travel with of posters from each of the British “Big Four” railway companies LNER, LMS, GWR and SR in this auction, we have a wonderful example of this in Frank H Mason’s LNER poster for Skegness, this very rare edition shows the once glorious east coast resort showing the fashionably clad enjoying the boating lake with Helter Skelter and Pier in the background and of course a vignette of John Hassall’s famous Jolly Fisherman.

We also will be selling a single owner collection of British posters including a very rare film poster designed by Edward Bawden. We will be offering several Shell still life posters by the British surrealist Tristram Hillier featuring Natural History subjects including Sea Shells and Fossils. 

With three hundred lots to choose from the few mentioned above give a little insight in the quality of what’s on offer.

The auction takes place online only exclusively with LiveAuctioneers on 29th November 2024 at 2.00pm UK time.

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